Our ALAB - competence, efficiency, integrity.
We are Australia's independent laboratory accreditation body. Our team is made up of conformity assessment professionals who share a commitment to excellence in testing and calibration, and the integrity of their work - for the benefit of Industry and the whole community.
ALAB Limited is a not-for-profit charity operating for the good of the Australian community
ALAB provides accreditation against the international best practice Standard for laboratories - ISO/IEC 17025:2017.
We independently assess laboratories' documented systems and then conduct on-site visits to review and evaluate the implementation of laboratory processes, including testing and calibration.
Contact Us
1300 068 185
Sydney Head Office
ALAB Limited
Angel Place, Level 17
123 Pitt Street
News & Publications

ISO/IEC 17025:2017 is up and running. All test facilities are now being assessed for compliance with this version of the Standard. From our assessments and based upon feedback we receive, laboratories are generally satisfied with the new Standard, but we still get asked questions around the requirements that were introduced in the 2017 version. If you have any questions about interpreting particular requirements of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 feel free to contact us and we'll be happy to assist as best we can (but we can't consult!). Questions that are likely to be of interest to other laboratories will be de-identified and posted on our FAQ page.
Technical Areas
Mechanical testing​
Electrical testing​
Chemical testing
Biochemical testing
Personal Protective Equipment testing
Construction Products testing
Consumer Safety Products testing
On 1st January 2019, the Pacific Accreditation Cooperation and the Asia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation merged to form a single entity - the Asia Pacific Accreditation Cooperation, or APAC. APAC is a peer membership body for accreditation bodies throughout Asia and the Pacific. ALAB is an Affiliate Member of APAC and is working towards full MRA membership.